
Follow the step-by-step instructions for CdA and Crr analysis

AeroStar CdA & Crr Analysis

AeroStar is a web-based app that runs in your browser. AeroStar reads Notio JSON and Garmin FIT files to calculate the cyclist's aerodynamic and rolling resistance using advanced mathematics.

AeroStar analysis is similar to energy-based Virtual Elevation, but instead of providing an average CdA value over a lap, AeroStar calculates the instantaneous CdA 4 times a second.

What other vendors show you what an ideal CdA ride and analysis looks like? The screenshots below show sub 0.001 CdA resolution.

What other vendors show you CdA & Crr confidence bounds and results that match analytical results? The graphs in Technology show excellent accuracy and precision.

AeroStar CdA & Crr is provably correct since it matches analytical solutions. Is AeroStar the world's most accurate CdA analysis tool? We think so.

CdA & Crr Solvers

AeroStar includes two separate solvers: M2 and M4.

Aerostar M2

  • Accurately calculate your CdA.
  • Uses Kalman Filters to compute your aero resistance.
  • Validate the CdA with Virtual Elevation. If the calculated CdA is accurate, then the calculated Virtual Elevation will match! If the VE is too high, then the CdA is too low (and vice versa).

Aerostar M4

  • Accurately calculate your CdA & Crr.
  • Uses Kalman Filters and LOTS more math tricks to simultaneously compute your aero and rolling resistance.
  • Compare your calculated Crr with the assumed rolling resistance, and update your Notio device.

Features & Benefits



An easy to use automated analysis environment. Runs in your desktop browser! No installation. Automatic updates.
Automated analyses -- no manual settings or slider adjustments. Simply load your ride, look at your CdA graph, and double-check the validation graphs!
High accuracy algorithms
Provably correct CdA & Crr when analyzing rides which have analytical results.
Kalman Filter estimates
AeroStar uses Kalman Filters (aka optimal observers) to estimate the unknown CdA & Crr parameters. With more data the estimates become more & more precise, and the accuracy is reported.
Kalman Filter replaces expensive sensors with math
Kalman Filters optimally combine a model of the dynamic system and (noisy) measurements. Often it is difficult or expensive or impossible to use sensors to accurately measure the system -- looking at you Body Rocket! -- instead Kalman Filters replace sensors with math!
Speed-independent algorithms
Stable and consistent CdA at any speed, even if you coast to a stop. In contrast the Notio CdA is speed-dependent resulting in huge swings.
Loads Notio files
Instant analysis using Notio sensor data. Some data (mass, Crr, density, elevation, airspeed) can be optionally modified.
Loads Garmin FIT files
Instant analysis using FIT power, groundspeed and elevation data. Other data (mass, Crr, density, airspeed) must be manually specified.
Map of the ride
A map shows the path of the ride. The starting and ending points are marked. Customizeable map type and zoom.
Graphs of primary sensor data
Quick sanity check -- do power, elevation, ground speed and airspeed all look good?
Graphs of any sensor or computed data
Zoom in and explore all the data available in your ride. Zoom to-fit or Zoom rectangle to look at detail.
Real-time CdA analysis
Kalman Filter-based analysis estimates real-time CdA (Notio 4Hz, FIT 1Hz) instead of a lap-average.
Updates Crr with persistent excitation
Advanced math updates the Crr estimate only when there is sufficient data (such as accelerating from low to high speed, or decelerating from high speed to low speed). No messing about trying to combine multiple rides into a Crr calculation!
Automatic CdA Validation
Computes the instantaneous Virtual Elevation, Virtual Power, Virtual Velocity and compares with the measured elevation, power and groundspeed. If they match then the AeroStar CdA is accurate. (Similarly you see that the Notio CdA is inaccurate.)
PDF Reports
Include any graph in a PDF report as ride summary.
Optional airspeed calibration
The calibration can be re-calculated from any ride.
Optional elevations
Measuring elevation is difficult with a noisy barometric altimeter. Lucky that Kalman Filter can reduce the noise. Or you can detrend the weather pressure using a high-pass filter. Or use a GPS-based Digital Elevation Model. Or specify a flat velodrome.

Sample CdA Analysis

Follow along as we use AeroStar to analyze a Notio file of a recreational rider.

Repeat the CdA analysis yourself -- Right now!

Start AeroStar

Select Load>Demo1 and follow the steps in the screenshots.

Sample CdA & Crr Analysis

Follow along as we use AeroStar to analyze a Notio file of a competitive TT rider.

A consistent rider demonstrates sub 0.001 CdA change per lap!

Repeat the CdA & Crr analysis yourself -- Right now!

Start AeroStar

Select Load>Demo3 and follow the steps in the screenshots.