
Protocol for ultra-precise (CdA,Crr) Analysis

Run123 (CdA,Crr) Protocol & Analysis

Incredible high precision for both CdA and Crr!

Run123 algorithms are patent pending.

Run123 is a web-based app that runs in your browser.

Run123 analysis computes your CdA and Crr in 3 short runs.

Collect your (CdA,Crr) data in less than 3 minutes!

You can pedal or coast during the test section. Mix & match with some coastdown runs, some constant speed runs, some constant power runs, some power uphill runs etc.

Field testing is better than a windtunnel since you get both CdA and Crr.

Run123 Protocol

Mark out points A, B, C, D each separated by ~100m on a fairly flat path. Section A-B is for acceleration from a standing start. Section B-C is for testing. Section C-D is the egress.

Run1 is a fast downhill. Run2 is a medium uphill. Run3 is a slow downhill.

Hold the same position for all runs!

Start run1 from point A. Accelerate to a fast speed (~10 m/s). Stabilize position before you get to B. Pedal/Coast until you pass C. Continue to D and turn-around.

Start run2 from point D. Accelerate to a medium speed (~6 m/s). Stabilize position before you get to C. Pedal/Coast until you pass B. Continue to A and turn-around.

Start run3 from point A. Accelerate to a slow speed (~4 m/s). Stabilize position before you get to B. Pedal/Coast until you pass C. Continue to D and stop.

All done collecting data! Start the Run123 Analysis

Run123 Analysis

Run123 protocol and analysis are patent pending.

Run123 is a web-based app that runs in your browser.

Run123 analysis computes your CdA and Crr in 3 short runs.

Run123 analysis reports the precision of your (CdA, Crr) analysis.

Features & Benefits



An easy to use automated analysis environment. Runs in your desktop browser! No installation. Automatic updates.
Automated analyses -- no manual settings or slider adjustments. Simply load your ride, look at your CdA graph, and double-check the validation graphs!
High precision algorithms
Tests of 10 run combinations had a CdA standard deviation of 0.001, and Crr standard deviation of 0.0001.
Energy-based calculations
Run123 measures your input energy and kinetic energy and models your dissipative and potential energyies to compute your CdA and Crr.
Special sensors?
If coasting (P=0) then you don't need a powermeter! If windless day then you don't need an aero sensor! If you pedal you need a powermeter. If its breezy or gusty then you need an aerosensor.
Map of the test runs
A map shows the runs of the test. The starting and ending points are marked. Customizeable map type and zoom.
Graphs of primary sensor data
Quick sanity check -- do power, elevation, ground speed and airspeed all look good?
Graphs of any sensor or computed data
Zoom in and explore all the data available in your ride. Zoom to-fit or Zoom rectangle to look at detail.
PDF Reports
Include any graph in a PDF report as ride summary.